
Why is the abbreviation "K" used instead of a thousand?

As we mentioned earlier, the abbreviation or use of K characters on Instagram is characterized by various social networks. Its task is to point to the amount in thousands, whether they are followers, buy real instagram followers uk follow or like in your photos. But why use the abbreviation instead of "Thousand"? This is simple, and is due to the case of practicality in the structure of the platform. It also has to be done with dialysis and there is space left when writing. Instagram intends that the content in the profile is the same as the main ones that come out. Now, where does this abbreviation come from? This Greek prefix comes from "kilo", which is translated into international system units, which means "thousand"; It is represented by the letter "k" in the lower case. Similarly, the abbreviations are "M" and "B" other than the use of "K". In the case of "m", it is used to express an amo